method asyncInvoke

void asyncInvoke(object asyncInvokeListener,int32 timeOutMS);


Zurückgegebener Wert

This method creates the moniker and calls the method without waiting for completion. If the target is specified by a moniker, the created instance is released after the method call completes.
function asyncInvokeListener()
	this.onAsyncInvokeComplete = onAsyncInvokeCompleteFunc;

function onAsyncInvokeCompleteFunc(result, outVal)
    //code to use the result and return value of the method call

//main program
function main()
    var messageObj = shell.serviceManager.basics.message;
    var timerObj = shell.serviceManager.basics.timer;
    var messageListener = new asyncInvokeListener();
    //this should return result = 0; outVal = -1
    messageObj.asyncInvoke(messageListener, 5000);

    //calling asyncInvoke with an object    
    var bigInt = shell.serviceManager.basics.bigInt;
    var argList = shell.serviceManager.basics.array;
    argList.addValue(-100); = bigInt;
    messageObj.method = "compare";
    messageObj.arguments = argList;
    //this should return result = 0; outVal = 1
    messageObj.asyncInvoke(messageListener, 5000);
    //user must provide message pumping code here in order to make sure
    //program doesn't exits before the listener gets called