method openFileDialog

object openFileDialog(scene scene,string title,string file,string path,string filter,bool multiSelect);


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The method presents a system file chooser. The method returns current selection as a basics::array. If the dialog is canceled, the array will be empty.
function onOpenDialog()
    // Open File dialog. NOTE: Last parameter is true for multi file selection.
    var filter = "Box Files (*.box)|*.box|All Files (*.*)|*.*||";
    var fileList = appUtils.openFileDialog(scene, "Open File", null, null, filter, true);
    if (fileList)
        // Iterate thru all the file names returned.
        var count = fileList.count;
        for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i)
            shell.print("filename = " + fileList.getValue(i));