property collapsed

(r/w) bool collapsed;



This property sets and gets the collapsed state. Collapsed boxes do not take up space within the scene they belong. They are essentially at a zero height and width. This in turn affects how the boxes that surround it are placed during layout.
function DisplayBoxState(boxId)
    var box = scene.getBoxById(boxId);
    if (box)
        if (box.hidden) shell.print("Hidden: true");
            else shell.print("Hidden: false");

        if (box.collapsed) shell.print("Collapsed: true");
            else shell.print("Collapsed: false");

        if (box.hovered) shell.print("Hovered: true");
            else shell.print("Hovered: false");

        if (box.pressed) shell.print("Pressed: true");
            else shell.print("Pressed: false");

        if (box.focused) shell.print("Focused: true");
            else shell.print("Focused: false");

        if (box.disabled) shell.print("Disabled: true");
            else shell.print("Disabled: false");