property command

(r/o) command command;



This property returns the command object. The control box who triggers the CommandEvent can have a command attribute, for example, <button command="myCommand"/>. The value of this command attribute is the id of a command object in a command group. When the control box triggers a CommandEvent, the action associated with the command object is executed. So if a user want to execute a function, he can:
  • associate the function with a command object and assign the command object's id to the command attribute of the control box
  • add a reaction for the control box and let it reacts to the CommandEvent
  • <commandGroup>
        <command id="myCommand" action="doMyCommand();"/>
    <button label="myButton1" command="myCommand" />
    <button label="myButton2" on:command="onCommand();"/>
    function doMyCommand()
    function onCommand()
        var eventObj = shell.currentEvent;
        if (eventObj)
            var commandObj = eventObj.command;
            if (commandObj)
                // if we disable the command object here, this button will not
                // do any action anymore.
                commandObj.disabled = true;