method displaySystemMenu

void displaySystemMenu(box systemMenuBox,int32 x,int32 y);


Zurückgegebener Wert

This method displays the Windows system menu for the specified box at the specified X and Y position. The system menu is generally comprised of commands such as Restore, Minimize, Maximize, Close, etc...
function onClickSystemMenu()
    var event = shell.currentEvent;
    if (event && (event.button==1 || event.button==2))
        var targetBox = event.targetBox;
        if (targetBox)
            scene.displaySystemMenu(targetBox, targetBox.screenX, (targetBox.screenY + targetBox.boxHeight));

function onClickTitleBar()
    var event = shell.currentEvent;
    if (event && event.button==2)
        this.scene.displaySystemMenu(null, event.screenX, event.screenY);