property type

(w/o) string type;



This property is used to set the transition type. The valid types are:
function doTransition()
    var box = scene.getBoxById("myImageBox");
    if (box)
        var snapshot1 = box.createSnapshot(false);   // grab what's on the screen as our 1st snapshot
        box.attachSourceSnapshot(snapshot1);          // This box will now draw on-screen from the snapshot

        var snapshot2 = box.createSnapshot(true);   // create a blank snapshot object
        box.attachTargetSnapshot(snapshot2);         // now we are going to be drawing INTO the 2nd snapshot

        // Update the box (which draws into the target snapshot - not the screen)
        box.src = "../content/image/img2.png";

        if (snapshot1 && snapshot2)
            var transition = box.createTransition();
            if (transition)
                // Do the transition
                transition.type = "slideCoverLeft";
                transition.duration = 400;
                transition.dynamicsType = "spring";
                transition.perform(snapshot1, snapshot2);

        // remove our attached snapshots