method sendRequestWithOptions

void sendRequestWithOptions(string url,string command,basics::dictionary header,stream payload,requestListener requestListener,object context,flags sendFlags);


Zurückgegebener Wert

This method sends a specified request to the server.

The following example shows a POST request being sent, with the memoryStreamObj being posted to, with the noTimeout flag. The listener which will receive the response callback, and a context value which will be returned in the onResponse or onError callback.
var memoryStreamObj;
var contextData = 1;
function main()
    var headerDict = shell.serviceManager.basics.dictionary;
    headerDict.setValueForKey("Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; AOL OCP; Windows)", "User-Agent");
    var headerArray = shell.serviceManager.basics.array;
    headerDict.setValueForKey(headerArray, "Accept");
    var httpRequest = shell.serviceManager.http.request;
    var listener = new httpListener();
    var context = new contextObject(contextData);
    memoryStreamObj = shell.serviceManager.basics.memoryStream;
    var streamWriterObj = shell.serviceManager.basics.rawStreamWriter;
    memoryStreamObj.size = 1024; = memoryStreamObj;    
    streamWriterObj.writeString("string to post to server", "");
    httpRequest.sendRequestWithOptions("", "POST", headerDict, memoryStreamObj, listener, context, 4); 

function contextObject(num)
    this.num = num;

function httpListener()
    this.onResponse = onResponse;
    this.onError = onError;

function onResponse(requestor, code, text, header, payload, context)
    alert("The request returned code: " + code);
    alert("The status text for the return is: " + text);  

    // the context value will match the 1 specified in the get
    alert("The context of this request is: " + context.num);

    // output the payload, to show the html for
    if (payload)
        var streamReader = shell.serviceManager.basics.rawStreamReader; = payload;
        var text = streamReader.readStringTillEndOfStream("");
        alert("The payload returned is: " + text); 

    // output a field from the returned header
    if (header)
        // ** Note ** if Content-Length field does not exist, the following code will throw a JavaScript exception.
        var headerFieldArray = header.valueForKey("Content-Length");

        // use a 0 to get the first value, because the Content-Length header field only contains one value.
        var contentLength = headerFieldArray.getValue(0);
        if (contentLength)
            alert("Content Length returned is: " + contentLength);
    if (memoryStreamObj)

function onError(requestor, code, context)
    alert("Http error: " + code);
    if (memoryStreamObj)