method createInstance

object createInstance(string serviceMoniker);


Zurückgegebener Wert

This method returns an object, which is a newly created instance of the class that was specified by the EE moniker. More information about EE monikers can be found in the EE Runtime documentation.

Example monikers:
  ee://aol/localStorage/recordset    (create the latest version of the localStorage service's recordset class)
  ee://aol/localStorage/recordset:3  (create version 3 of the localStorage service's recordset class)
    // This is the most common idiom for createInstance in JavaScript
    svc = shell.serviceManager.helloWorldService.HelloWorldObject;
    greeting = svc.hello("World");
    // However this is synonymous
    svc = shell.serviceManager.createInstance("ee://aol/helloWorldService/HelloWorldObject");
    greeting = svc.hello("Earth");