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Eine komplexe Animation erstellen: Hüpfendes Bild

Now that you have learned about animations and dynamics, we can create a more complex animation. In the exercise that follows, we will create a bouncing version of the Boxely logo.

  1. Create a container for our project.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <?import href="box://ocpToolkit/content/core/"?>
    <?import href="box://ocpToolkit/theme/default/"?>
    <window xmlns=""
      id="window" translucent="false" s:fill="#16164c"
      title="Fancy Animation">
  2. Add a box to display the image and add two buttons to control the animation.

    <library xmlns=""
      xmlns:on=""  >
      <style target="theBox" position="fixed" top="200" left="300">
        <attribute name="myAnimation" animate="url(#myAnimate)"/>
    <image id="theBox"
        src="../../../../ocpSamples/content/animation/boxelylogo.png" />
    <hbox s:flex="1" s:vAlign="end">
      <button label="Play" on:command="OnPlay();"/>
      <button label="Stop" on:command="OnStop();"/>
  3. Combine our animations into a linear timeline, add dynamics to the animating paths, and create our complex animation., as shown below in bold.

      <animation id="myAnimate" repeatCount="indefinite">
        <animate name="left" type="style" from="300" to="50"
        begin="0ms" end="1000ms" dynamics="smoothSpline"/>
        <animate name="left" type="style" from="50" to="300"
        begin="1000ms" end="2000ms" dynamics="spring"/>
        <animate name="scale" type="style" from="100"
        to="20" begin="0ms" end="1000ms" dynamics="sSpline"/>
        <animate name="rotation" type="style" from="0"
        to="360" begin="0ms" end="2500ms" dynamics="spring"/>
        <animate name="scale" type="style" from="20"
        to="200" begin="1000ms" end="1800ms" dynamics="spring"/>
        <animate name="scale" type="style" from="200"
        to="100" begin="1800ms" end="2400ms" dynamics="smoothSpline"/>
        <animate name="top" type="style" from="50" to="200"
        begin="0ms" end="800ms" dynamics="gravity"/>
        <animate name="top" type="style" from="200" to="50"
        begin="1500ms" end="3000ms" dynamics="spring"/>

Notice the timeline for each of the elements creates a linear timeline, where the second animation starts when the first ends. (The first animation ranges from 0ms to 1000ms; the second animation starts at 1000ms and reaches 2000ms, etc.) You can also run multiple animations in the same timeline, which results in the union of the two animations.

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