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Ein Attribut wird zusammen mit einem XML Tag verwendet, um dem Objekt, das durch den XML Tag repräsentiert wird, eine Eigenschaft zuzuweisen. (Zum Beispiel hat der text Tag mehrere Attribute, unter anderem id und value. In einer XML Datei erscheinen diese Attribute innerhalb des text Tags und müssen auf einen Wert gesetzt werden, wie <text id="myText" value="Some value" />.) Im Boxely UI Toolkit, können eingebaute Attribute zum definieren von XML Objekten verwendet werden, oder eigene Attribute mit nicht reservierten Namen erstellt werden. Attribute können mit Markup definiert werden, oder wenn ein Attribut während der Laufzeit definiert werden muss, können sie durch ein Script hervorgerufen werden. Ein Attribut kann bis zu 255 Zeichen lang sein, und der Wert, den es enthält, kann unendlich langen Text enthalten.


Eine Box ist der Basisbaustein einer Boxely Anwendung. Jede Box repräsentiert ein Rechteck auf dem Bildschirm, dessen Aussehen und Verhalten kontrollierbar ist. Boxen werden mit einem Tagnamen identifiziert und enthalten ihr Aussehen, Auftreten und Attribute von einem von mehreren standard Boxtypen. Boxen können in XML durch den "box" Tagnamen definiert werden, oder durch ein Script erstellt und in ein Szenarion eingefügt werden. Eine Box id kann bis zu 255 Zeichen enthalten.

Boxely UI Toolkit

Das Boxely UI Toolkit ist eine next-generation, standardbasierende Entwicklungsumgebung. Es wurde entwickelt, um die Erstellung reichhaltiger Desktopanwendungen mit der gleichen Einfachheit, Flexibilität und Erweiterbarkeit zu ermöglichen, mit der es bereits möglich war, Webseiten und Internetanwendungen zu entwerfen. Mehr Informationen sind auf der Boxely Webseite zu finden.


Refers to a component that can be controlled by the user.


Synonym mit Parent Box (das ist eine Box die untergeordnete Child Boxen enthält).

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

Eine stylesheet Sprache, die beschreibt, wie Dokumente geschrieben in HTML und anderen Markup Sprachen, darzustellen sind. Um mehr über HTML zu lernen, kann die Webseite des World Wide Web Consortium's (W3C) unter besucht werden.

data binding

Data binding allows us to create relationships between scene elements, script objects, and business objects, where changes made to a source object are automatically reflected in bound objects and vice versa. The physical connection between two objects, and the delivery of data to and from each, are specified by the application developer at design time and managed by Boxely internals at runtime. Data binding makes it easy to author data-driven windows, minimizing the scripting needed to manipulate information.

decimal code

A numerical representation of a character.

DHTML (Dynamic HTML)

A means of developing interactive websites with HTML, scripting, and CSS.

Document Object Model (DOM)

A representation of structured documents as an object-oriented model. It is the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) standard for representing structured documents in a manner that is platform- and language-neutral.


Information about certain actions in a scene, such as movement of the mouse or the initialization of a scene, are captured into objects known as events, which are then sent to objects that are interested in the event, which are known as listeners.

flowed child boxes

Boxes that flow within their parent box based upon the previous sibling box (that is, a box that displays directly before it and shares the same parent box).


A prototype box containing one or more elements that, as a whole, represent a reusable object or control. There are two types of gadgets in the Boxely UI Toolkit: user-defined gadgets and Toolkit gadgets.

HTML, HyperText Markup Language

A markup language to create web pages and other information viewable in a browser. HTML focuses on the presentation of information (paragraphs, fonts, tables, etc.) rather than the structure of information, which is the focus of XML. To learn more about HTML, visit the World Wide Web Consortium's (W3C) website at


Listeners work in correspondence with events and "listen" for certain actions in a scene, such as movement of the mouse or the initialization of a scene. These actions are captured into objects known as events, which are then sent to objects that are interested in the event, which are known as listeners. Every event has an associated listener.


A namespace is a collection of names that are used in XML documents as element types and attribute names. The Boxely UI Toolkit provides two namespaces: the s namespace, which defines style elements and attributes, and the on namespace, which defines event handling elements and attributes.


A generic term for an element that can be included in a Boxely scene (for example, a box, button, or form field).

OCP Toolkit

The OCP Toolkit is a default library of pre-built gadgets that represent commonly used controls, such as buttons, input boxes, menus, and so forth. These gadgets have built-in features that handle styles and states and integrate with accessible technologies, such as screen readers and high-contrast color schemes for the visually impaired.


Overflow refers to instances when the contents of a box cannot fit in the viewable area of the box. Overflow is generally made available to the user through the introduction of a scrollbar or, if the developer chooses, it may be clipped.

registered view factory

An available view type.


An entity, sometimes called a "form," that contains a tree of gadgets or components (the DOM) and can include other supporting resources such as behaviors and themes. The scene is what makes up a single viewable region. Conceptually, a scene can be thought of as a window, however, in actuality it is distinct from the native entity. A scene can handle and dispatch events and can also have script associated with it.


Contains information about changes made to the condition of an object from its initialization.


Styles are a collection of attributes that control a box's appearance and behavior. You can specify styles on a parent box and have that style cascade to its children (the top-level style applies unless a child box has a style that overrides it).


A shell is a singleton and is, essentially, the master of all scenes. It parses, creates, and destroys scenes. The shell also contains anything else that is at the global (across all scenes) level.

style cascade

A style cascade is the process of cascading a tree of Boxely styles into a single style definition.

TRBL (top right bottom left)

The order in which you set the margin and padding for a box's four side.

eXtensible Markup Language (XML)

A W3C-recommended general-purpose markup language that can describe different kinds of data and facilitates the sharing of structured text and information across the Internet.

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